� Affected products: LM10 Motor Protection System
� Date of release: February 20, 2006
� Firmware revision: 1.50
� EnerVista LM10 Setup revision: 2.30
� Manual revision: GEK-106642B
Release summary
This release note covers the LM10 Motor Protection System version 1.50 release. This release has modified the
DeviceNet polling function by allowing one of three possible data groups to be read, based on the value of the Poll
Data setting. In the previous revision, DeviceNet polling returned seven bytes of data. Version 1.50 has also added
an undervoltage/ overvoltage setting, allowing the user to disable this feature. In previous revisions, this feature
was always enabled. The maximum delay time for the Run1-Run2 and Run2-Run1 timers has also been extended
from � 0 to 180 seconds� to � 0 to 600 seconds� . |